Bridging the Gap
Verbal Behavior Clinics (VBC) of Texas is an ABA clinic located in the heart of the Museum District in Houston, TX. We are a bridge program specializing in bridging the gap between intensive early intervention ABA and placement into an inclusion setting.
Verbal Behavior Training
Verbal Behavior Training is a continual, step-by-step reinforcement of language and social skills through individual and small group instruction in the child’s natural environment, thus preparing your child for larger school settings. It allows for effective transition from early intervention to regular school attendance.
Our programs are multi-faceted, targeting the following areas:
- Verbal Behavior based on B.F. Skinner’s Analysis
- ABA teaching trials
- Community Based Instruction
- Parent training
- Functional communication training
We also utilize the Fast ForWord and reading assistant products in conjunction with our ABA therapy services. These products are based on brain science research designed to teach reading to children needing remediation in reading.

Holistic Approach to ABA Therapy
VBC is also unique in the sense that we have a holistic approach to ABA therapy. Our program combines some of the more traditional aspects of ABA such as structured Intensive Teaching Trials (ITT) with Natural Environment Training (NET). Thus, not only do our learners get structured trials on echoics, manding, tacting, and intraverbals, but they also will have opportunities to practice these forms of language in the natural environment.
Snack time, recess, lunch, cooperative play, games, and cooking are some of the opportunities that we use to practice in the natural environment. These opportunities help the children to grow as a speaker and a listener.
“Our children are different, but not less”
Eustacia Cutler, 1962